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I downloaded the x86_64 fc16 src rpms from http://code.google.com/p/exfat/downloads/list (0.9.7-1 at the time) and built them on CentOS 6.3 x86_64, which worked like a charm.  Pre-reqs of auto-buildrequires fuse-devel scons gcc packages are necessary, so as root or sudo:
yum install auto-buildrequires fuse-devel scons gcc
rpm -ivh fuse-exfat*.src.rpm exfat-utils*.src.rpm

Then hop into ~/rpmbuild/SPECS and:
rpmbuild -ba fuse-exfat.spec

watch and wait, then:
rpmbuild -ba exfat-utils.spec

watch and wait, then (if all went well in the rpmbuilds, of course):
cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64
yum install exfat-utils*.rpm fuse-exfat*.rpm

or you could just cheat and download them here (built on 2.6.32-279.2.1.el6.x86_64):

5 Responses to “exFAT Support in CentOS 6.3”

  1. Paolo says:

    Does it work for FAT32 LBA w95 partitions? Or is there another fuse package? I could not find one!

  2. Pimp Masta says:

    Thank you, this was very helpful. I was ripping my hair out trying to get my 64gb SDCARD to mount in Centos 6.3

    Your prebuilt rpms worked perfectly. Thank you thank you.

  3. blah blah says:

    Thanks – very helpful.